For Sale Pangsing Land Coast In Sekotong Lombok

IDR 45,000,000 / Are

Pangkas Beach has a beautiful diving spot, calm waves, sea water is very clear green to blue-blue surrounded by green hills and towering, fine white sand and really offers stunning natural panorama.

• Land Area 13,900m2 (1.39 ha). SHM
• Clean White Sandy Beach
• Direct access to the location (bias in the car)

Location Distance:
 45.6 km (1 hour 14 minutes) from Lombok International Airport
 33 km (54 minutes) from Selong Belanak Beach
 51 km (1 hour 23 minutes) from Kuta Mandalika Beach

It is suitable for:
Hotels, Resorts, Villas, Restaurants etc.

Price of Rp. 45 million / are. Negotiable Direct Owner
1 are = 100m2

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