IDR 3,500,000,000
The location is very strategic overlooking the ekas bay. Asphal hotmix roadside directly on the beach.
Detailed specifications:
• Total land area of 5,300 m2 (53 are). SHM
• Beach width ± 60 meters of white sand
• 9 units of rented rooms + 2 units of bungalows (already in operation)
• 1 restaurant unit
• 4 Gazebo units.
• 2,200 watt electricity
• Remaining land area.
View: Sunrise, Mount Rinjani, Awang Bay and Awang Hills
Location Distance:
~ 45 Minutes from Lombok International Airport
~ 20 minutes from Kuta Mandalika beach
Overall price of Rp. 3,500,000,000 – negotiable (direct owner)
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