House Hotel And Villa Construction Of Wood Material


As we know, the construction of wood materials for residential homes is very rarely used by people in general, anywhere including in Lombok. But there are in some areas that are very familiar with wooden construction. I just call it in the regions of Sumbawa and Bima which is still a province of West Nusa Tenggara or NTB.

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I will not mention in other locations or in other provinces. So, the length of this discussion will not be that long. So building a house in the location that I mentioned above is a legacy of tradition and environmental influences. The community does not know too much about buildings made of stone, brick, cement and the like.

They just want to build a monotonous house like the one in the surrounding environment. Usually they build by mutual assistance in turn when they want to build a house.

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Of course there are many other reasons for having to continue to be like that, other than not so familiar with the types of building materials commonly used in the city, certainly because there are no masons who live there, even if there are certainly not like masons in island towns Java.

For groups of people like this, the houses of the rich and ordinary people can be distinguished by the standard of how many poles are used for building their houses, because they usually use houses on stilts with wood, which means that there are many pillars of the foundation, so that means the house it is definitely getting bigger.

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Building a house with wood or stone material actually each has its own values. Building with wood must of course be reviewed in terms of objectives and needs, apart from these two things there are certainly other considerations, whether it is due to the environment, situation, geographical location or desire.

The concept of building a wooden house actually depends on personal or personal, without having to consider the things we mentioned above. The point is your imagination or imagination will be adopted as there is enough financial budget to implement all your plans and desires.

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If you are in doubt or need advice, we can listen and give advice as to what exactly is a proper wooden house for you to build according to the size of the bag you are budgeting.

Because if we talk about satisfaction, then the Wooden House can be compared to a hole where you can invest money. It is certain that if you use first-class wood which can cost three times the grade 2 wood, the costs will be more than the cost of construction of houses made of stone or houses in general that we see in cities.

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So the essence or substance of this paper, I want to discuss about the building of wood construction that can be a reference if you want to make a House, Lodging, Villa or other construction of wood materials.

Tentu gambar-gambar di bawah ini bisa anda jadikan patokan atau menjadi inspirasi untuk membuat bangunan berkonstrusi bahan kayu. Bahan kayu ini terdiri dari bentuk, Jenis dan kualitas yang berbeda yang dapat menentukan haraga borong konstruksi kayu yang anda buat di Lombok.

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Kami terdiri dari para pekerja terlatih, telaten dan mengerti dengan gambar konstrusi, serta bisa menghitung Rencana Anggaran Biaya (RAB) sesuai jenis bahan kayu yang digunakan beserta fasilitas lainnya yang termasuk dalam item pekerjaan.

Tentu kami akan sangat senang jika anda memiliki gambar rencana dan kami hanya akan mengikuti sesuai dimensi dan instrusi gambar yang ada pada gambar acuan, akan melaksanakan pekerjaan sebaik mungkin, karena kepuasan anda adalah akan menjadi kebanggan dan tujuan kami.

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Saya Supardani
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