The Royal Seminyak Hotel In Badung Regency of Bali For Sale
Rp 1,3 Triliun ( Sold )
Located on the renowned Seminyak Beach, the legendary 128 room Royal Beach Seminyak Bali is set within beautiful tropical grounds. Along with two stunning pools, one beachfront and another nestled in the garden area, the resort is the reference choice for family holidays and romantic getaways. The Royal beach Seminyak Bali also presents 17 exclusive thatched-roof villas, each featuring a private whirlpool or swimming pool. Facilities and venues are ideal for weddings, banquets and MICE meetings. Inspired by the famous architect Frank Wright, this exceptional Bali hotel offers the visitor an art deco style in its buildings and lobby. Cut white stone and local arts and crafts reinforce this traditional welcoming character. The templein this rare hotel celebrates its anniversary on the occasion of the fifth full moon of the year, generally between October and November. It protects the building and guests holidaying in this Garden of Eden…
Management by Accour M Gallery
Hotel 5 Star
Status of Land Hak Guna Bangunan with Large 34,340 M2
Should have been Rent the Land 9.864 M2 Until 60 Years with the first of 30 Years was beginning from 11-03 -1997 till 30-03-2007 and and the second of 30 Years should be from 31-03-2007 until 30-03 2057
so The total of land area hotel with status SHGB + sewa = 44.204 M2
Have a shoreline around 150 Meter
Building Area 20.007 M2
Have permits from local Government in Bali and Center of Jakarta as business licence from the minister of trade (SIUP) , building permits (IMB) , permits interference (HO) , tax identification number (NPWP), SIUP. MB and NPPBKC.
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