Land for Sale Position in Kuta Lombok Hill

Rp 165.000.000 / Acre

Land for sale in Kuta Lombok is broad 85 Are SHM, with views of Kuta beach from the top of the hill, not only that, there are several parts of the circuit tracks you can also see from here, the soil structure consists of various layers which are rocky and rocky. The ground contour is very sloping, 45 degrees. The highest elevation is about 50 meters at the top of this hill.


From the top location, the Kuta beach bay is very visible, and if there is a race it seems like from this location we can see it from afar, but vaguely, the bottom will be covered by the hill in front of it. Not far from the location of this land only hundreds of meters there are already 2 villas on the hill, namely the Ibis Villa at the bottom and Villa Ocean View which is under construction.

This access to the hill that is being sold already exists and is still in the form of keprasan land, from the main asphalt road to the Tanjung Aan beach location to this hill about 50 meters and already belongs to a private road. To fit in this location can build a villa or hotel with a bungalow concept that overlaps to the top of the hill.


There is still one package with the location of this land with the same area facing the hill to the bay of Tanjung Aan facing southeast, while the land faces Southwest. the road or entrance access that appears now belongs to 2 locations because it still belongs to the court. If you want to buy two locations with the same area you can buy through us too.


If you are interested, just check the location. With no disrespect, we’re sorry we don’t serve questions and answers. We will answer all questions on site. “Thank you.

Form the current condition of the real location
View from the location of the land next to it towards the bay of Tanjung Aan
Access conditions to two locations, land sold to the left
The shape of the road seen from the top of the hill
Hill land location for sale from asphalt road
Saya Supardani
Agent (Online)

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