IDR 125,000,000 / Are
Classy land on Gili Meno only Distance from the port of Gili Meno around 250 m. It is suitable for bungalow buildings, only 20 acres wide. The prospects for tourism are very promising in 3 Gilis, including Gili Meno. Gili Meno is the smallest island among the others, namely Gili Trawangan and Gili Air.
If walking around the island of Gili Meno is only 1 hour, I have tried it twice, from the left or right, that means if we are on Gili Meno it will never be far if you / tourists who want to relax to the beach, in the middle Gili Meno island there is a shortcut or a cut (diameter) from the port on the east side to the west side of the island of Gili Meno.
That is, Gili Meno is the best place to enjoy the beach and its marine park, what else the snorkeling spot statue is in the western part of the island of Gili Meno, it only takes 10 minutes from the port on the east side to the western side of Gili Meno. I lived for several months on this island.
If the night, especially when the full moon is very solemn and beautiful, in the morning even so when the sun rises very beautiful when watching the sun rise from behind Mount Rinjani. Until now I still remember 21 years ago when I worked there, even though it was only 3 months but the natural romance I still remember. What is certain is that the situation at that time will not be much different from the current situation, which will only increase in the number of buildings.
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