Land On The Hills For Sale Near Kuta Mandalika Beach

IDR 35,000,000 / Are

Location This land is located in the central hills of Kuta Mandalika Resort, only 5 minutes to Kuta Mandalika Beach. From this location we can see the amazing views of Kuta beach and sunshet.

• Land area of ​​50,000 m2 (5 ha). SHM
• Can be taken a minimum of 5,000 m2 (50 are)
• Access the road directly to the location (can enter the car)

Location Distance:
 1.4 km (5 minutes) Towards Kuta Mandalika Beach
 16.9 km (20 minutes) from Lombok International Airport
 10.2 km (18 minutes) to Mawun Beach
 19 km (29 minutes) from Selong Belanak Beach

It is suitable for:
Hotels, resorts, villas, restaurants, etc.

Price IDR 35 million / are. Nego Direct Owner
1 are = 100m2

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